Do you want to feel more comfortable in your own skin? Would you like to have feelings of appreciation towards yourself and explore hidden aspects of your personality, that you didn’t know were there ? Well if this is so, IFS maybe the therapy for you.
I am a Level 3 IFS therapist and have a particular interest in integrating IFS with Dreams, Shadow work and working with shame and anger. In my view every aspect of our being has value, it’s just that somewhere along the way, we have lost our ability to experience the benefit or maybe understand what’s being communicated.
Internal Family systems therapy helps you look at your struggles from a very different lense. A creative method of going inside in order to build resilience and manage your inner world more effectively. My role would be more as a guide…. in that I would support you in getting to know your own system.
The focus is about getting to know your inner parts (neural networks) in an intimate way, that supports you in building a relationship with yourself. This should allow you feel more in control of your life and also feel less dependant on others to meet needs that you maybe not realise you can offer yourself.
This model was created by Dick Schwartz who learned through working with many clients, that we are not one self but multiple versions of selves. How these parts of us relate to each other can make the difference between an enjoyable life and a difficult one.
In my experience, the more you get to know your system the kinder you are to yourself and the safer you feel.
I also offer IFS couples therapy which is a wonderful system for gaining deeper insights of where each person is coming from. Getting to know your partners parts, can make their responses to particular situations easier to understand. You will also become more aware of how your own parts are impacted by theirs.
In my experience there is no such thing as an incorrect response, just a response that may not make sense to current experience but made perfect sense in the past. Connecting to the genesis of how our parts developed in order to protect us, can open the possibility of something new happening in the future.
Building a relationship with yourself
One to one IFS sessions can be 50 minutes (£65) or 80 minutes (£90) long
Couples session are 50 minutes (£70)
If you would like to try a once off session, please contact me here: